Ms Njiba's Classroom



My name is Ms Njiba Kasonga and I will be your child's 3rd grade teacher this year. I am excited about many things we will be doing as a class this year and I am looking forward to meeting the needs of all my students. Our classroom is our home away from home and as a family, we strive to learn and grow together.Our classroom offers a place for students to develop their skills in an atmosphere that embraces academics, creativty, and technology .My goal is to make the website not just a tool for myself and the students, but to create an online learning community to connect to parents. There are many places on this website that I know you will find useful. Please browse through our page regularly to find out what is happening in our classroom

Our Class Schedule

8:50-9:20 Morning Meeting

9:20-10:50 Reading Block

10:50-11:25 Resource

11:25-11:50 Writing

11:55-12:25 Lunch

12:25-12:40 Writing

12:40-1:40 Math

1:40-2:10 Recess

2:15-3:15 Science/Social Studies

3:15 Pack up


What we are studying in class

In reading this week, we are working on decoding (breaking words up into word parts) unfamiliar words.  We will also continue to work on our inferencing skills.  Our story this week is "Rosie, The Story of a Visiting Dog."  It is a narrative non-fiction story.

In writing, the students are working on persuasive letters.

In math we have started our times tables.  We will be focusing on the fives and tens times tables this week.  Please continue to drill your child in the 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s times tables.

In Science, we are studying Natural Resources.  We are focusing on soil.  The students are learning how soil is formed, why we need soil, how we can conserve soil, and the different types of soil.

In Social Studies the students are finishing up their study of Ancient Greece.


Unit: Ancient Greece

Unit Goal

Students will explore how we shape and change our world around us.  The students will discover how contributions from ancient Greece have inspired our world today.  Specific focus will be placed on physical characteristics, human contributions, and economics. 



You are a historian and anchor working for the History channel. Your station is located in the United State. Mr. Johnson, the director is excited about the upcoming segment on ancient Greece. Mr. Johnson would like his viewers to learn about ancient Greece and how its characteristics are still present in the 21st century.  Because of your expertise in the field, he asks you to create a 10  minutes video segment on ancient Greece. Mr. Johnson would like a draft of your video to be brought in on October 15, 2012 for revision. The final product is due October 23, 2012.

In your video you must include the following:

Introduction: Your name, date, location, and purpose of this video segment

1)      Geography

a)       Physical characteristics of ancient Greece

b)      What areas in the United State display the same geographic features

2)      Adaptations

a)      How did the Grecians adapt to their environment

b)      How have the people living the area chosen in 1b adapted to their environment

3)      Contributions

a)       Government: What government was practiced in ancient Greece and where is it seen today

b)       Sports: Identify the Olympics in ancient Greece and compare it to the Olympics now

c)       Art: What type of art was seen during ancient Greece and where is it seen today

d)       Architecture: What type of architecture was seen during ancient Greece and where is it seen today

4)      Goods and services: How were resources used in the productions of goods and services then and now

5)      Conclusion: Name, this video is brought to you by the History channel. Thank you for watching. 


Upon completion of the authentic assessment, we will have an in class celebration allowing students to dress like the people of ancient Greece. Please check your child's agenda for a list of needed material and please join us on October 26 at 11:50 AM. 


Thank you for visiting and being an important part of our learning community!